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Praise God!

I saw her today!!! When we came on our first mission trip to Uganda, we met Annette. Every time there was church or Esangalo, she had my hand and was in my lap. She blessed my heart.

When we came back in April and May of this year, I looked and looked for her, but never saw her. I have since stopped looking. You never know if they move away, or if something has happened to them.

Today we were serving water at Esangalo, and I looked down. There she was, smiling as always! God is so good! This was a wonderful blessing.

Of course I was so excited that I completely forgot to get a picture. I tried to find her later, but couldn't. These videos may give you the reason why: there are so many children. :-)

Learning the language is going slow, but my tutor is very patient. I am enjoying my time with her and the opportunity to minister to her family and love on them.

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